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The Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Playground is Situated in the western part of Quang Binh province in central Viet Nam

22/10/2013 14:58

The Phong Nha - Ke Bang National ParkNational Playground is Situated in the western part of Quang Binh province in central Viet Nam. Due to its unique limestone karst Developments and caves, UNESCO declared the National Playground a World Heritage Site. The park has a Especially rich biodiversity (species diversity) with a large number of endangered species that are at great Danger from the illegal use of the park's natural resources. Many people like it in Vietnam tour.

 Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Playground was Primary nominated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1998. It was recognised as a world natural heritage site at UNESCO’s 27th general assembly session in Paris from June 30-July 5, 2003.
The caves demonstrate discrete episodic sequences of events, leaving behind various levels of fossil passages, formerly buried and now uncovered palaeokarst (karst from previous, perhaps Pretty ancient, periods of Remedy); evidence of major changes in the routes of Belowground rivers; changes in the Remedyal regime; deposition and later re-Remedy of giant speleothems and unusual Functions such as sub-aerial stromatolites. The Area and form of the caves suggests that they might owe Significantly of their size and morphology to some as yet undetermined implications of the schists and granites which overlay the limestone. On the surface, there is a striking Sequence of landscapes, ranging from deeply dissected ranges and plateaux to an immense polje. There is evidence of at least one period of hydrothermal activity in the evolution of this ancient mature karst system. The plateau is Possibly one of the finest and most Exclusive examples of a complex karst landform in Southeast Asia.


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